makes this:
[wp_cart:Just Be Class 1:price:150.00:end]
Click the button and you’ll see a cart and a product show in the sidebar.
Sample product could be —–>
Just Be Class 1
Just be class 1 offers hours of indulgence in jelly beans, marshmallows and pure cane sugar. Choose your weapon. Once all participants have selected they’re chosen tooth decayer, the fun begins.
[wp_cart:Just Be Class 1:price:150.00:end]
Here are all the samples in a row. Let me know which, if any, you like. Otherwise, simply use the button above for name of product and pricing.
eg. [wp_cart:Test Product:price:15.00:end]
eg. [wp_cart:Test Product:price:[Size|Small,1.10|Medium,2.10|Large,3.10]:end]
eg. [wp_cart:Test Product:price:[Size|Small,1.10|Medium,2.10|Large,3.10]:shipping:[Shipping|normal,6.50|fast,10.00]:end]
eg. [wp_cart:Test Product:price:15:var1[Size|Small|Medium|Large]:end]
eg. [wp_cart:Test Product:price:15:shipping:2:var1[Size|Small|Medium|Large]:end]
eg. [wp_cart:Test Product:price:15:shipping:2:var1[Size|Small|Medium|Large]:var2[Color|Red|Green]:end]