call/text: (330) 958.3853

Quick notes… get my ascension merch here! Secondly, my 3-year weekly podcast Just Be®~Spiritual BOOM has dynamic guests from all over the world. We discuss our 5D ascension and always end with a “Just Be Practice” to increase your awareness, energy and vibration. Listen here on my site or go to my 19+ visual and audio directories including Apple, Spotify, YouTube, BitChute & Rumble. I am also co-anchor on the GrassRoots Warrior Network. And, the show just got added to Neopa Radio‘s Friday lineup from 9-10am/WNPA-LP, 102.5 FM.

Bigger picture, I started Just Be®, LLC in 2006 for all walks of life to discover healing beyond medication, Western protocol and anything standard, for that matter. It has always been about evolving and increasing your vibration, yet now ascending.


Just Be® Awakens

Working with all ages and faiths, my work encompasses the nitty-gritty from stress, migraines, relationships, money, diabetes, addiction, anxiety/depression, grief yet it all expands into the awareness of you and the truth of your life. Why are things occurring? How can you make changes?

Face-to-face or remote, my methods create freedom AND connect you to your heart away from victimization, predetermined thoughts, ideology. Through talking and bodywork, we quiet monkey mind, utilize ascended souls, hone vibration/energy, unlock intuition/gifts, heal trauma, open your voice, etc. It is amazing.

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Eden Koz, Owner/Soul Realignment Specialist

My 20-plus years of divine work has coincided with this huge Earth ascension. What can I say, but shifts abounding! Everything is amping up including me and you. Combining my psychological empathy, NDE, energy work, intuition, Christ Consciousness, meditation, mindfulness, psychic ability, Reiki, mediumship, dimensional work, parallel lives, the cosmos and more, my unique work helps heal physical/emotional issues from acute to chronic down to discovering your place in the world and your true desires of the heart. We get to the root or heart of you and what makes you tick.

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Increase Vibe/Abundance

•My ascension merch here from tanks to hats.

•Hooga: 12% off grounding to red light products. Go here. Enter JUSTBE at checkout. Accepts HSA/FSA.

•Twisted Sage: Transmute harmful EMFs via Smart Meters, Wifi, cell towers w/these elevated tools. My personal link here. See my video how I use their items.

•Sound Feelings: 10% off here. Innovating, healing music from my friend Howard Richman. Also, 10% off his devices 5Dflow & Stress Unlocker. Enter EDEN5D at checkout.

My Interview w/Life Ascended